Friday, November 05, 2004


So I just unloaded my bag from a trip to the library, and I now have on my bookshelf
  • 2 books on American war films
  • 2 books on black comedy/satire
  • 2 books on baseball and philosophy or religion
  • 2 books specifically dedicated to Jackie Robinson (including his autobiography)
  • 7 books on baseball and race

Plus I have to do a recall on 3 more books from the library. Research is exciting.

How many of these will I read all through? None.

I asked at the circulation desk today whether there was a limit on the number of books I could check out at one time. The answer is yes. For grad students, the limit is 200.

If I ever get anywhere close to my limit, please buy a plane ticket, fly to State College, call a cab, drive to my house, and kick me in the face repeatedly with steel-toed boots.

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