Disclaimer: I wrote this last night and tried to publish it, but Blogger told me there was an error. Here is attempt number two. And just so you know, as of 1:10 today I've already accomplished numbers 2, 4, and 8. Of course, there are also new items on the list, but hey, you can't have everything!My problem is, even when I know better, I seem to let myself get caught up in the little stuff. Right now on my desk I have on my desk a To Do list with the following things staring me in the face that I had hoped to get done today. Keep in mind, it is now 10:19 at night.
- Read Dracula to p. 300 (I'm on 236)
- Readings from Rhetorical Tradition (approximately 50 pages, small text)
- Call Webster's and see about selling books
- Wednesday Lesson Plan (I teach at 10:10 a.m.)
- Skim Ascham text (a full on book that I won't have time to read; skimming will probably take at least 2 hours)
- Find Ascham article to review
- Research Japan for Friday Lesson Plan
- record quiz grades/attendance from Monday
- (Because number one was actually from yesterday) Finish Dracula
Now, that's not to say I haven't been productive today. I watched two movies for two different classes (here's the key for required movie watching for movies you've either a) seen before or b) aren't that interested in: turn on subtitles and watch it at double speed. It's great!), I really did read quite a bit of Dracula, I wrote a paper, I did a lot of household stuff, and most importantly I've had some friends in town visiting so I got to spend time with them. I wouldn't want to give up anything I did today that I think was worthwhile. But let's see how else I spent my time:
- Went shopping with my wife (30 minutes)
- Watched tv (2 hours)
- Surfed the Internet/Blogging (30 minutes--probably an hour by the time I finish this entry)
- Thought about mice (10 minutes)
- Editing for the Eight Cents blog (10 minutes)
- Read interesting New Yorker article about missing explorer from the 20s (40 minutes)
That's four hours! Ladies and gentlemen, this is not good. Now, granted, I was being pretty ambitious today, and I wouldn't have gotten everything done. But I would have gotten
something done! Why can't someone just invent a way to a) make me require less sleep, b) add hours to the day, or c) force me to focus (perhaps a shock collar or something). It's a problem, and if I didn't know I was just a slacker, I'd think I had adult ADD or something. I swear, throughout my life, I will be my own worst enemy when it comes to being a useful, contributing member of society. And please, if you too find yourself easily distracted and constantly focusing on meaningless time wasting activities, then just
don't click this link.
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