Saturday, July 12, 2008

Six Years!

Happy Anniversary to me! Six years ago today I got married. Still the best choice I've made in my life. It's been a great six years, though I can't believe how fast it has gone by.

Amelia and I were supposed to go to Charleston this weekend, but on our return from Kansas Amelia came down with a ridiculous case of allergies. The bad news is we had to reschedule the trip (well, postpone . . . we haven't actually rescheduled yet, but since our deposit only comes back as a gift certificate to the hotel we'd booked, we'll take the trip sometime). The good news is it's still great to be married. We'll get something good for dinner tonight and spend some money on the house and just generally have a good time. I can't say the past six years have been exactly how we planned for them to be, but we have a great life and I feel lucky to spend every day with my best friend.

Kansas was great, by the way. I'll have a longer post on it in the next couple of days. At which time I'll also say something about the new laptop I'm blogging from right now. Like my marriage, it is awesome. Happy Anniversary, Amelia!

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